
Salt Lake City
is considered to be the birthplace of modern computer graphics
and few people take advantage of computer capabilities like demosceners.
Demosceners are fans of demos and the talented artists, musicians
and computer programmers who work together to create the fantastic
works of art called demos. Now Salt Lake City is home to an annual
demo party. Take a peek at the scene as digital media connoisseurs
make a pilgrimage to where it all started.
Take a glimpse into the demo scene.
See demo screenshots and hear music from many award winning
demos and hear participants from the Pilgrimage 2003 demo
multimedia presentation
Nullsleep - Nullsleep.com
Jeremiah Johnson, Nullsleep, is a talented musician that
put on a concert at the Pilgrimage 2003 demo party. You
might be suprised that his only instrument is a Game Boy.
multimedia presentation
Demos are computer programs that can be located at the following
web sites.