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Weekly Online Lesson

Online Lesson Archive

Grade Level: 6-9
Subject: Government

The Vice Presidency

Senator John Edwards (left) and Senator John Kerry with Edwards' son.The Democrats' presidential hopeful, Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts, chose his running mate last week -- Senator John Edwards (D) of North Carolina.

Since the official announcement on Tuesday, July 6, 2004, Kerry and his vice presidential candidate have spent much of their political campaigning together. They are America's "New Team," as one of their campaign ads describes the duo.

Like most vice presidential candidates, John Edwards is no stranger to American politics. He was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1998, and presidential nominee Al Gore had considered Edwards for his running mate in 2000. Earlier this year, Kerry and Edwards campaigned for president against each other, until Edwards dropped out of the race in March.

Vice President Dick Cheney was also an experienced politician before coming to that office. He has served as an elected official during the terms of four presidents -- as Wyoming's Congressman in the U.S. House of Representatives and as President George H.W. Bush's Secretary of Defense, before becoming vice president in 2000 under George W. Bush.

Vice President Dick Cheney (left) with President George W. Bush in the Oval Office.Political campaign analysts often note the importance of a presidential candidate's choice of running mate. After all, when the voters choose their president, it's a 2-for-1 deal.

Already, the news media are reporting on how Kerry and Edwards seem to interact, since the two are still just getting to know each other.

Many seem to be wondering: Can the Democratic duo see eye to eye on key issues? Will Edwards' southern ties help balance Kerry's northeastern roots? And, of course, there is much speculation about how November's presidential election will shake out -- Can the Kerry-Edwards ticket topple Republicans Bush and Cheney?

For this week's lesson, you're going to get and insider's view of the vice president's home and ceremonial office. Then you'll find out how the Veep's position and responsibilities have evolved over the years.

The VP at Home

A photo of the Vice President's Ceremonial Office while VP Dick Cheney holds a meetingBegin your lesson by exploring Life in the White House: The Vice President's Residence. Read the introduction, then browse the VP's Residence Photo Essay on the right-hand side of the page. When was the residence built and who has occupied it over the years? What year did it become the vice president's residence?

Next, if you have RealPlayer and audio speakers, watch the top video featured on the left-hand side -- the VP Office, and listen to Vice President Cheney's overview of how the office changed and developed over time.

For about how long does Cheney say the vice president's office has been an important part of the Executive Branch? Who are some of the men who signed their names into the desk's top drawer?

Check out the VP Office Panoramic, for a 360-degree view of the room, if you'd like.

Step out of the office, and let the Vice President's wife, Lynne Cheney, show you around other rooms of the VP Residence. What features does she especially like about the home and why? Where did some of the art and furniture come from?

The VP at Work

A Johnson-Humphrey campaign button from 1964As you've discovered, the position of vice president existed long before they took up residence at Number One Observatory Circle.

So to see what the VP's position itself is all about -- how it came into existence and what the responsibilities are -- let's explore The Office of the Vice President at the World Book site.

First, read the introduction. How many vice presidents have become presidents? How many were elected, and how many were "accidental" presidents? What title does the vice president hold in the Senate?

Now, find out how a political party goes about Choosing A Vice President. What happens at the national convention? What are some of the factors in selecting a candidate? Why is there debate over "balancing" the ticket?

As you'll soon discover, the vice presidential candidate plays a significant role in The Campaign and Election.

A Nixon-Ford - Which voters can "split" the ticket? What year did the Senate elect a vice president? Where and when does the vice president swear his oath of office? What powers does the 25th amendment give the VP? How did it apply when Vice President Spiro T. Agnew resigned?

Once elected, The Roles of the Vice President are refined. In what ways can a president influence what the vice president can or can't do? In what ways could a vice president contribute to or support the president's goals and vision for nation?

What are the vice president's ties to the Senate? Under what condition can the VP vote during a session? How did the VP's role in elections change? What other duties are typically performed by the vice president?

Now travel back into The History of the Vice Presidency. When was the office of the vice president approved, and who approved it? How was the vice president originally elected to the office? What were some of the problems with that system?

Who was the first president to die in office? Who was his successor? In what ways did the office of the vice president grow over the years -- for example, how has the VP's relationship to the Cabinet changed? How did those changes occur?

Newspaper Activities

Browse current issues of Targetnewspaper and find articles -- editorials, as well as news reports -- about Vice President Dick Cheney or Senator John Edwards. In what ways are these two men participating in the election campaigns? What are some other ways they are supporting their presidential running mates? What kinds of information about each vice presidential candidate are making the news? How exactly are the campaigns highlighting their VP's personality and experience?

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